
Uncompromised quality

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Best in class outcomes

We strive our best, so that we can keep our promise of delivering the individualized smiles that we have reimagined for you with latest techniques and technologies.

Aligners - A gentle way to straighten your teeth

Straighten your teeth without any hassle thanks to Invisible Aligners. Even after braces doing their job perfectly since long period, some people don’t prefer to wear them for various reasons. Aligners are a perfect alternative for those people. A digital imprint of your teeth is used to create a set of digital memory trays that will be used to create your unique set of aligners.

Unlike traditional braces, these are nearly invisible and may be removed when eating or snacking, making them preferable. No more stressing about eating sticky food that won’t budge! If you wear invisible braces, you can simply remove them to eat, and then put them back in place. Meanwhile, you can put them in a pocketable box in those situations when they are not in use.

Clear braces are replaced every 1-2 weeks depending on your treatment needs. Each tray works in tandem to gradually enhance your smile.

Clear aligner treatment, such as Invisalign First, is a form of Phase One treatment used on growing children. This procedure straightens the teeth, widens the dental arches, and makes room for both the patient’s current and future permanent teeth.

Invisalign First is a preventive treatment that could be used to:

  • Correct and guide your child’s jaw growth.
  • Change how wide the upper and lower arches are.
  • Make extra room for teeth that are crowded.
  • Avoid having to extract permanent teeth during Phase Two of treatment.
  • Correct thumb sucking and help fix minor speech problems.

The adolescent years are formative, but also incredibly hectic. Teenagers have a full schedule between classes, activities, games, parties, dates, and everything else they participate in. We totally get that some teenagers would rather not have a photo taken while wearing metal braces.

Although we believe braces should be worn with pride, we also respect our young patient’s desire to express themselves through personal choice.

Therefore, we provide transparent aligners for our amazing teen patients in Hyderabad. When you want to improve your smile, there’s no need to alter your personal style.

Hey Adults, do you believe it’s too late to get braces? To the contrary! Kigo Dental provides dental care for the whole family, not just kids and teenagers. In fact, many of our adult patients in Hyderabad are improving their oral health by using clear aligners.

For this reason, many people prefer to straighten their teeth and correct their bite with orthodontic treatments like transparent aligners or Invisalign because they are a less obvious and more practical alternative. Invisalign uses clear trays, which are nearly unnoticeable, instead of bulky brackets and wires.

We can help you correct your teeth even when you are in your 50s but wish to have a perfect smile.

The benefits of invisible aligners are as follows:

  1. With clear aligners, no one need know that you’re undergoing treatment because they blend right in with your teeth.
  2. Because of their individual fit, aligners are preferable to braces in terms of comfort.
  3. Due to their removable nature, invisible aligners make it simpler to maintain your teeth clean and healthy while treatment progresses.
  4. With invisible braces, you could start seeing improvements in a very little time.
  5. You can avoid nighttime or sports tooth grinding with the help of your invisible aligners which protects your TMJ joints and prevents TMJ disorders from developing.
  6. Because your orthodontist has already planned the progression of your teeth’s movements, your dental visits will likely be less complicated and, in some cases, even fewer in number.

To undergo orthodontic treatment with aligners following are very important:

  1. In case of aligners, compliance of person undergoing treatment is very crucial, In aligner treatment the orthodontist plays half the role where as the person undergoing treatment has to play the other half by being strictly compliant to all the instructions.
  2. The role of orthodontist in aligner treatment is to properly diagnose the condition of the patient, analyse the condition, then formulate the perfectly suitable treatment plan, and then deliver that treatment to patient without any deviations.
  3. During the treatment process, orthodontic appointments with orthodontist are very important as they have to always keep monitoring of any deviations of the treatment plan, which usually happens due to many unavoidable reasons. Orthodontists make changes needed to remedy those deviations to get treatment back to track.
  4. One of the benefits of aligner treatments is that these orthodontic appointments can be done virtually given the advancements in technology, either virtual or physical, treatment monitoring is must.
  5. To summarise, be compliant to the instructions by orthodontist, either virtually or physically attend orthodontic appointments, don’t miss them.

The price of clear aligners and invisible braces is determined by the Orthodontist’s examination of the patient’s teeth and jaws using a 3D scanner. The total cost of treatment depends on factors such as the complexity of the case, the amount of changes needed, and the total number of aligners worn during the course of treatment. Though they are all linked, the number of aligners needed for treatment stands out as particularly crucial.

All of us here at Kigo Dental are committed to providing you with the best dental care available, and we do so with a smile.

Our entire staff, from receptionists to dental hygienists and assistants, is committed to providing you with the best quality dental care possible.

From the time you walk through the door and every time you revisit, you will experience this firsthand.

Kigo Dental has a team of experienced and skilled Orthodontists and other specialised dentists who specialize in providing high-quality dental care and treatments, utilizing the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for their patients.


Aligners are custom-made clear plastic trays that gradually shift your teeth into proper alignment over time. Each tray is worn for about approximately two weeks before being replaced by the next tray in the series, with each tray moving the teeth slightly closer to the desired final position.

The duration of aligner treatment varies based on individual factors. On average, it can range from a few months to over a year. Consult with your orthodontist for a personalized assessment and timeline based on your specific needs.

Aligners are made from nearly invisible clear materials, making them much less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Aligners should be worn for 20-22 hours a day and should only be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.

Aligners should be cleaned daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap or aligner cleaner. They should be rinsed with cold water, not hot water, to avoid warping or damaging them. They need to be stored in their case when not in use.

Some discomfort or soreness is normal during the first few days of wearing each new aligner tray, but it typically subsides quickly.

It is not recommended to whiten your teeth with aligners in, as the whitening gel can damage the aligner material.

The best way to determine if aligners are correct for you is to consult an orthodontist. They can evaluate your dental issues and recommend the best treatment options as per your needs.

However you can use our self-assessment for eligibility of aligners test

Aligners can correct many dental issues, but they may not be the best option for all patients. Consultation with an orthodontist can help determine if aligners are the right choice for you.

No, it is best to remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. Food and drink can stain or damage the Aligners, and can also trap bacteria against the teeth

The cost of aligners varies depending on the orthodontist, location, and the severity of dental issues being corrected. It’s best to consult with an orthodontist for an estimate of costs.

Aligners can be used for children or teenagers. However, it’s best to consult with an orthodontist to determine if aligners are the best treatment option.

Aligners can cause mild discomfort or soreness, particularly when first starting a treatment or when changing to a new set of trays. However, this discomfort is usually short-lived and can be managed with over-the- counter pain relievers.

No, it is best to remove the aligners before brushing and flossing to ensure proper cleaning of the teeth and the aligners.

Aligners are typically changed every one to two weeks, or as directed by your orthodontist.

Contact your orthodontist immediately if you lose or damage an aligner. Depending on the severity of the damage, you may need to order a replacement tray



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Appointment Timings: Mon-sat: 10:00 am- 8:00 pm | Sun: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


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