Airway Orthodontics

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Airway Orthodontics

At Kigo Dental, we recognize the vital role that proper breathing plays in your well-being, and our skilled team is committed to optimizing both your dental aesthetics and your airway function.

Airway Orthodontics goes beyond traditional orthodontic treatment by focusing on the relationship between your jaw structure, teeth alignment, and the health of your airway passages. It aims to identify and correct issues that may be obstructing your breathing, leading to improved sleep quality, reduced snoring, and enhanced overall health.

During your consultation, our experienced orthodontic professionals will conduct a thorough evaluation to assess your dental and airway conditions. We utilize advanced diagnostic tools, such as 3D imaging and digital scans, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique anatomy and identify any potential airway obstructions or irregularities.

Based on the evaluation findings, we will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This may include a combination of orthodontic techniques, such as braces, aligners, or specialized appliances, to optimize your tooth alignment and create sufficient space for proper airway function.

Our team is dedicated to staying at the forefront of advancements in Airway Orthodontics, ensuring that you receive the most effective and innovative treatment options available. We prioritize open communication, patient education, and a collaborative approach, keeping you informed and involved throughout your journey to optimal dental and airway health.

At Kigo Dental, we are passionate about transforming not just smiles but lives. Our Airway Orthodontics service aims to improve your quality of sleep, enhance your overall well-being, and unlock your full potential. Experience the difference that Airway Orthodontics can make in your life by scheduling a consultation with us today. Let us help you breathe easier, sleep better, and achieve a harmonious balance between dental aesthetics and airway function.

Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME): RME is a technique used to widen the upper jaw to create more space for the teeth and improve nasal breathing. This technique involves placing a device in the roof of the mouth that gradually expands over time.

Biobloc Orthotropics: This approach to orthodontic treatment is based on the idea that proper oral posture can help promote healthy facial development and airway function. Biobloc Orthotropics uses appliances to encourage proper tongue placement and encourage forward growth of the jaws.

Myofunctional Therapy: Myofunctional therapy involves exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and face to improve breathing, swallowing, and speech. This therapy can be used in conjunction with other airway orthodontic treatments.

Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs): MADs are oral appliances that can be worn at night to reposition the lower jaw and tongue to improve airflow and reduce snoring and sleep apnea.

Clear Aligners: Clear aligners are a type of orthodontic treatment that can be used to correct minor airway issues. These aligners work by gradually moving the teeth into their correct positions to improve the overall alignment of the jaw and airway.

Orthodontic Braces: Traditional braces can be used to move the teeth and jaws into the correct position to improve breathing function. This may involve widening the upper jaw or repositioning the lower jaw to create more space in the airway.

Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME): This technique involves widening the upper jaw to create more space for the teeth and improve nasal breathing. This is done using a device that gradually expands over time.

Myofunctional Therapy: Myofunctional therapy involves exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and face to improve breathing, swallowing, and speech. This therapy can be used in conjunction with other airway orthodontic treatments.

Biobloc Orthotropics: This approach to orthodontic treatment is based on the idea that proper oral posture can help promote healthy facial development and airway function. Biobloc Orthotropics uses appliances to encourage proper tongue placement and encourage forward growth of the jaws.

Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs): MADs are oral appliances that can be worn at night to reposition the lower jaw and tongue to improve airflow and reduce snoring and sleep apnea.

Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct severe airway issues. This may involve repositioning the jaws or removing excess tissue in the airway to improve breathing function.

Improved Breathing: The primary benefit of airway orthodontics is improved breathing function. By correcting issues with the jaw and teeth, airway orthodontics can improve the flow of air through the nasal and oral cavities, which can lead to better breathing and reduced snoring.

Better Sleep: Airway orthodontics can also improve the quality of sleep by reducing or eliminating sleep apnea, a condition that can cause interruptions in breathing during sleep. By improving breathing function, patients can experience a deeper, more restful sleep, which can lead to improved overall health and well-being.

Improved athletic performance: Better breathing function can also improve athletic performance. By increasing oxygen intake and reducing airway resistance, airway orthodontics can improve endurance, stamina, and overall athletic ability.

Improved oral health: Airway orthodontics can also improve oral health by reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Proper alignment of the teeth and jaws can also make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene and reduce the risk of tooth damage or wear.

Improved quality of life: Overall, airway orthodontics can improve quality of life by reducing the symptoms of airway issues, improving sleep, and promoting overall health and wellness. Patients may experience improved energy levels, better concentration, and a stronger immune system, among other benefits.

Here are some common indicators that a patient may need airway orthodontics:

Mouth Breathing: Patients who frequently breathe through their mouth rather than their nose may benefit from airway orthodontics. Mouth breathing can be a sign of an airway issue that can be corrected through orthodontic treatment.

Snoring: Snoring is a common symptom of airway issues, and airway orthodontics can be an effective treatment option for reducing or eliminating snoring.

Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea is a more severe form of airway obstruction that can cause interruptions in breathing during sleep. Airway orthodontics can be an effective treatment option for reducing sleep apnea symptoms.

Crowded Teeth: Patients with crowded or crooked teeth may also benefit from airway orthodontics. Crowded teeth can be a sign of a narrow upper jaw, which can cause airway issues.

Forward Head Posture: Patients with a forward head posture, or a head positioned in front of the shoulders, may have airway issues that can be corrected through orthodontic treatment.

Headaches: Patients who experience frequent headaches, particularly in the morning, may have airway issues that are causing oxygen deprivation during sleep. Airway orthodontics can help to improve oxygen flow and reduce headaches.

Here are some potential consequences of not seeking airway orthodontic treatment in people who need it:

  • Breathing Difficulties: Without treatment, airway issues can make it difficult to breathe properly, particularly during sleep. This can lead to daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and other health issues.
  • Sleep Apnea: Airway issues can also lead to sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing is interrupted during sleep. Sleep apnea can cause further health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
  • Dental Problems: Untreated airway issues can also contribute to dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and malocclusion. This can result in the need for more extensive and costly dental treatment in the future.
  • Chronic Pain: Airway issues can cause chronic pain in the head, neck, and shoulders. This pain can be a result of the body compensating for the airway issue by positioning the head and neck in an unnatural way.
  • Developmental Issues: In children, untreated airway issues can result in developmental problems such as speech and language delays, behavioral issues, and poor academic performance.

All of us here at Kigo Dental are committed to providing you with the best dental care available, and we do so with a smile.

Our entire staff, from receptionists to dental hygienists and assistants, is committed to providing you with the best quality dental care possible

From the time you walk through the door and every time you revisit, you will experience this firsthand.

Kigo Dental has a team of experienced and skilled Orthodontists and other specialised dentists who specialise in providing high-quality dental care and treatments, utilising the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for their patients.


Airway orthodontics is a branch of orthodontic treatment that focuses on improving breathing function and addressing airway issues. It involves the use of orthodontic appliances to correct issues with the jaws, teeth, and airway, leading to improved breathing and overall health.

Airway orthodontics works by addressing issues with the jaws and teeth that may be contributing to airway obstruction. Orthodontic appliances are used to move the teeth and jaws into the correct position, which can improve breathing function and reduce the symptoms of airway issues.

The benefits of airway orthodontics include improved breathing function, better sleep, improved athletic performance, improved oral health, and an overall improvement in quality of life.

Patients who experience airway issues such as snoring, sleep apnea, or breathing difficulties may be good candidates for airway orthodontics. Patients with crowded teeth, a narrow upper jaw, or a forward head posture may also benefit from treatment.

Orthodontic appliances commonly used in airway orthodontics include expanders, braces, and aligners etc. These appliances are used to move the teeth and jaws into the correct position, which can improve breathing function and reduce the symptoms of airway issues.

The length of airway orthodontic treatment depends on the severity of the airway issue and the individual patient’s needs. Treatment can take anywhere from several months to several years.

Airway orthodontics can be uncomfortable at times, particularly after adjustments to orthodontic appliances. However, modern orthodontic appliances are designed to be as comfortable as possible, and patients can typically manage any discomfort with over-the-counter pain medication.

Traditional orthodontics focuses primarily on correcting the alignment of the teeth, while airway orthodontics focuses on addressing airway issues and improving breathing function. Airway orthodontics often involves the use of specialized appliances and techniques to achieve these goals.



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Appointment Timings: Mon-sat: 10:00 am- 8:00 pm | Sun: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


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