Functional Habits Correction

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"Let's fix it before it becomes a bigger problem."

Did you know that some people have abnormal functional dental habits that are so strange and unexplainable, These habits often involve repetitive actions that can cause real harm to teeth and gums.

One of the most common abnormal functional dental habits is teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. While many people grind their teeth at night, some experience an extreme version of it that can cause significant damage to teeth and jaw muscles. Others have a habit of compulsive toothbrushing, brushing their teeth over and over again throughout the day, leading to enamel erosion and gum recession.

Some people have a habit of tongue thrusting or thumb sucking, where they push their tongue against their teeth or put fingers in their mouth. This can cause misalignment and improper bite and is often linked to anxiety or stress.

Finally, biting nails is not only a bad habit for the fingers but can also be harmful to teeth. The habit can lead to chips, cracks, and damage to the tooth enamel.

While these habits may seem odd or quirky, they can cause real problems for dental health. If you or someone you know has one of these abnormal dental habits, it’s important to seek professional help from a dentist. They can provide guidance and treatment to help break the habit and restore healthy teeth and gums. Remember, taking care of your dental health is essential for a healthy smile and overall well-being.

Tongue thrust: Tongue thrust is a myofunctional disorder where the tongue pushes against or between the teeth during swallowing, which can affect dental development and speech.

Open mouth posture: Open mouth posture occurs when a child habitually breathes through their mouth instead of their nose, which can impact facial development, speech, and dental health.

Thumb or finger sucking: Sucking on a thumb or finger for prolonged periods can impact dental development, speech, and swallowing patterns.

Incorrect tongue positioning: The tongue plays an essential role in swallowing, speaking, and breathing, and incorrect tongue positioning during these activities can cause a range of issues.

Poor lip seal: Poor lip seal occurs when the lips do not close properly at rest, which can lead to mouth breathing, dental issues, and speech problems.

Sleep-disordered breathing: Sleep-disordered breathing encompasses a range of conditions, including snoring and sleep apnea, which can impact a child’s overall health and development.

Nail biting: Biting or chewing on nails can cause damage to the teeth and may also increase the risk of infections.

Cheek biting: Biting on the inside of the cheeks can cause irritation, sores, and potential infection.

Teeth grinding or clenching: Grinding or clenching the teeth, particularly during sleep, can lead to tooth wear, jaw pain, and headaches.

Lip biting or sucking: Biting or sucking on the lips can lead to dryness, irritation, and potential infections.

Behaviour modification: One of the most effective ways to address a abnormal functional dental habit is to modify the behaviour. This can be done through counselling, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and other techniques to help the patient identify and change the habit.

Orthodontic treatment: If the habit has caused misalignment or bite problems, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to correct the issue.

Night guards or splints: If teeth grinding or clenching is the problem, a night guard or splint may be recommended. These appliances fit over the teeth and provide a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, helping to prevent damage caused by grinding or clenching.

Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage symptoms associated with dental habits, such as pain or anxiety.

Restoration of damaged teeth: If the habit has caused damage to the teeth, restoration may be necessary to repair the tooth, such as fillings, crowns, or veneers.

All of us here at Kigo Dental are committed to providing you with the best dental care available, and we do so with a smile.

Our entire staff, from receptionists to dental hygienists and assistants, is committed to providing you with the best quality dental care possible

From the time you walk through the door and every time you revisit, you will experience this firsthand.

Kigo Dental has a team of experienced and skilled Orthodontists and other specialised dentists who specialise in providing high-quality dental care and treatments, utilising the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for their patients.


Functional dental habits are behaviours that can be harmful to oral health, such as teeth grinding, jaw clenching, nail biting, and tongue thrusting etc.

The causes of abnormal functional dental habits are not well understood, but they are thought to be related to stress, anxiety, or other emotional or psychological factors.

Abnormal functional dental habits can cause a range of problems, including tooth wear and damage, jaw pain and dysfunction, and gum recession.

Some abnormal functional dental habits, such as nail biting, may be prevented by developing healthier coping mechanisms for stress or anxiety. Others, such as teeth grinding, may require intervention from a dental professional.

If you have a abnormal functional dental habit, it is important to talk to your dental professional about your concerns. They can help you develop a treatment plan to manage the habit and prevent further damage to your teeth and gums.

Yes, there are a variety of treatments available for abnormal functional dental habits. The specific treatment plan will depend on the type and severity of the habit.

Abnormal functional dental habits can be harmful to oral health, and can cause a range of problems over time. However, with appropriate treatment and management, most people can effectively manage or eliminate these habits and prevent further damage to their teeth and gums.



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Appointment Timings: Mon-sat: 10:00 am- 8:00 pm | Sun: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


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