Conscious Sedation

Uncompromised quality

We use quintessential quality materials and stringent sterilisation protocols to ensure that you don't have any medical or dental complications in future.

Anxiety Free Dentistry

Experience the treatment process in a pleasant atmosphere from handpicked expert clinicians, with unparalleled clinical etiquette, to ensure exemplary health care.

Best in class outcomes

We strive our best, so that we can keep our promise of delivering the individualized smiles that we have reimagined for you with latest techniques and technologies.

Experience a peaceful, pain-free procedure with conscious sedation

We understand that dental anxiety and fear can prevent many individuals from seeking the dental care they need. At Kigo Dental, we are dedicated to providing a comfortable and stress-free experience for all our patients. That’s why we offer Conscious Sedation, a safe and effective method to help you relax and alleviate anxiety during your dental procedures.

Conscious sedation is a technique that allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation while remaining conscious and able to communicate with our dental team throughout the procedure. It is an excellent option for patients with dental phobia, a sensitive gag reflex, or those undergoing lengthy or complex dental treatments.

Our experienced team of dental professionals is trained in administering conscious sedation and will carefully evaluate your medical history, dental needs, and anxiety level to determine the most suitable sedation option for you. We offer a variety of sedation methods, including oral sedation and nitrous oxide (commonly known as laughing gas), tailored to meet your specific comfort requirements.

During your conscious sedation experience, our compassionate and attentive staff will monitor your vital signs and ensure your well-being and safety at all times. You can rest assured knowing that you are in capable hands and that our priority is your comfort and relaxation throughout the entire dental procedure.

At Kigo Dental, we believe that everyone deserves quality dental care in a stress-free environment. By offering conscious sedation, we aim to eliminate any apprehension or fear associated with dental visits, allowing you to receive the treatment you need for optimal oral health.  Let us help you achieve a healthier, happier smile in a calming and anxiety-free setting.

Inhalation Sedation: Inhalation sedation involves the use of nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” to help patients relax during a medical procedure. This type of sedation is often used in dental procedures and is considered to be very safe and effective.

Oral Sedation: Oral sedation involves the administration of medication in pill or liquid form to help patients relax and reduce anxiety before a medical procedure. Oral sedation is often used in dentistry and is typically taken before the procedure.

Transdermal Sedation: Transdermal sedation involves the application of medication in the form of a patch on the skin. The medication is absorbed through the skin and can provide a mild sedative effect. This type of sedation is often used in minor procedures, such as skin biopsies.

Reduced Anxiety: One of the primary benefits of conscious sedation is that it can help to reduce anxiety and fear in patients who may be nervous or apprehensive about a medical procedure. This can help to make the procedure less stressful and more comfortable for the patient.

Improved Patient Comfort: Conscious sedation can also help to improve patient comfort during a procedure by reducing pain and discomfort. This can make the procedure easier for the patient to tolerate, which can help to improve outcomes.

Faster Recovery: Because conscious sedation is a lighter form of sedation than general anesthesia, patients typically recover more quickly after the procedure. This can mean less time spent in the recovery room and a faster return to normal activities.

Increased Safety: Conscious sedation is generally considered to be a safe and effective technique when administered by a trained healthcare professional. Because the patient remains conscious and can respond to verbal cues, healthcare professionals can more easily monitor the patient’s vital signs and adjust the level of sedation as needed to ensure safety.

Reduced Need for General Anesthesia: Conscious sedation can help to reduce the need for general anesthesia, which is a more invasive and risky form of sedation. This can help to reduce the risks associated with the procedure and make it safer for the patient.

Provide a Complete Medical History: It’s important for patients to provide their healthcare provider with a complete medical history, including any medications or supplements they are taking, any allergies they have, and any medical conditions they have. This information can help the healthcare provider to determine if conscious sedation is appropriate for the patient, and to adjust the dosage of medication as needed.

Follow Pre-Procedure Instructions: Patients should carefully follow any instructions provided by their healthcare provider before the procedure, such as fasting requirements, medication adjustments, and transportation arrangements. Failure to follow these instructions can lead to complications during the procedure.

Arrange for Transportation: Patients should arrange for someone to drive them home after the procedure, as the sedative effects of the medication may last for several hours. It’s important not to drive or operate heavy machinery until the effects of the sedation have worn off.

Avoid Food and Drink: Patients should follow any fasting instructions provided by their healthcare provider. It’s important not to eat or drink anything for several hours before the procedure to reduce the risk of aspiration.

Wear Comfortable Clothing: Patients should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to the procedure to ensure that they are comfortable during the procedure and can move freely as needed.

Have a Support Person Present: Patients may feel more comfortable and relaxed during the procedure if they have a trusted friend or family member present to offer support and reassurance.

Conscious sedation may be recommended for patients who are undergoing certain medical procedures that may cause pain or anxiety. It is typically used for procedures that are minimally invasive and can be performed outside of the operating room. Some common examples of procedures that may use conscious sedation include:

Conscious sedation is often used for patients who may experience anxiety or discomfort during the procedure but do not require general anesthesia. It allows patients to remain conscious and responsive during the procedure while providing pain relief and relaxation. The decision to use conscious sedation is made on a case-by-case basis, based on the patient’s medical history, the type of procedure being performed, and other individual factors.

All of us here at Kigo Dental are committed to providing you with the best dental care available, and we do so with a smile.

Our entire staff, from receptionists to dental hygienists and assistants, is committed to providing you with the best quality dental care possible

From the time you walk through the door and every time you revisit, you will experience this firsthand.

Kigo Dental has a team of experienced and skilled Orthodontists and other specialised dentists who specialise in providing high-quality dental care and treatments, utilising the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for their patients.


Conscious sedation is a type of anesthesia in which patients receive medication to help them relax and feel more comfortable during medical procedures. The patient remains conscious and able to communicate but may feel drowsy or groggy.

Conscious sedation is generally considered safe when administered by a qualified healthcare provider in an appropriate setting. However, as with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and complications that can occur.

Conscious sedation is typically used to provide pain relief and minimize discomfort during medical procedures. While some patients may experience minor discomfort, the goal is to keep patients as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Yes, patients are typically able to communicate during conscious sedation. However, they may feel drowsy or groggy and may have trouble speaking clearly.

The duration of conscious sedation can vary depending on the type of medication used, the patient’s individual response, and the length of the procedure. Generally, the effects of the sedation last for a few hours after the procedure.

After the procedure, patients may feel drowsy or groggy and should plan to rest for the remainder of the day. They may also experience some minor side effects, such as nausea, headache, or dizziness.

No, patients should not drive or operate machinery until the effects of the sedation wear off. It is important to arrange for someone to drive the patient home after the procedure.

Patients may need to follow specific pre-treatment instructions, such as fasting or temporarily discontinuing certain medications. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a safe and successful procedure.



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Appointment Timings: Mon-sat: 10:00 am- 8:00 pm | Sun: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


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